Digital Write Square Wave

Generate a square wave with the specified frequency for the specified duration. myRIO uses PWM channels for this function while most other devices use a DO channels.

Use a duration of 0 to generate output indefinatly.

Use a frequency of 0 to stop generating output.


Duration (ms)
Specifies the duration in ms to generate the square wave. Use a duration of 0 to generate output indefinatly.

LINX Resource
Contains LINX connection resources.

Specifies the digital output channel on which to generate the square wave.

Frequency (Hz)
Specifies the ferquency of the square wave in Hz. Use a frequency of 0 to stop generating output.

Error In
Describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.


LINX Resource
Contains LINX connection resources.

Error Out
Contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.